4 Ways to Streamline Your Daily Coding Grind

Greg L. Turnquist
5 min readJan 20, 2023

As we move into January of 2023, it’s time to entertain some new ideas, new ways to streamline your coding lifestyle. I’ve gathered some of the easiest-to-use tips that have helped me. Maybe they can help you as well.

1 — Create a worklog

I have a Google Doc where I basically track my daily work. I paste in linked to GitHub tickets I worked on. To be clear, I write down every ticket I so much as glance at.

A day where I actually knocked out some Spring WS tickets

Maybe this sounds like a lot of EXTRA work you don’t need to take on. I get your point. I started doing this last year and it has actually helped me focus my thoughts.

Some days, when I feel my focus isn’t quite there, going back and reading a couple of the previous days really jobs my memory and helps pull me into a developer mindset. Which has helped me get cracking a lot faster.

So indeed, while the task itself can feel tedious at first, the payoff by committing to this adjustment to my process has been positive.

BONUS: There are many times when I feel like a couple weeks simply flew by. Being able to remember EVERYTHING I had done simply didn’t happen. But opening the worklog at the beginning of the day would refresh me memory on everything I HAD done recently. And seeing a stack of completed work at the end of the day…



Greg L. Turnquist

Sr. Staff Technical Content Engineer at CockroachDB • YouTube Content Creator at https://youtube.com/@ProCoderIO • Best-Selling Author • Coffee Lover