Making rookie mistakes
As a pro coder, I made a terrible rookie mistake!
It was really embarrassing.
Just spent three days tracking down why my website wouldn’t let me enter edit mode… but my wife’s would!
Turns out that on Cloudflare I had enabled “Rocket Loader”.
I use Cloudflare because it has superior DNS management and lots of other great features.
I assumed that Rocket Loader was another great tool to deploy.
Turns out it was kind of like going into your Gentoo Linux machine and rebuilding everything with maximum GCC optimization switched on.
Might speed things up. But probably won’t work.
The webpage when I’d click “Edit” (i used Divi on all my websites), the edit spinner would pop up…
…and just keep spinning.
I disabled almost every plug-in I had on my website trying to figure out what had broken things.
Speaking of breaking things and putting them back together, check out the sponsor of this article…